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Certified Canine Hoopers Instructor (CHWI)




Hoopers is a sport that originated in America then spread to Europe and reached the UK.

Dogs navigate a course of hoops, barrels and tunnels with the same pace and excitement as agility.

It is ideal for dogs and carers of all ages and fitness levels.

The courses are flowing and do not involve tight turns – making it accessible for everyone.

All dogs can take part in whether they are puppies or senior dogs as there is no impact so it is kind to joints. Hoopers is focused on the ability of dog and carer to work together as a smooth-flowing team so it’s a great bonding activity too.

It can help reactive and anxious dogs too.

What are the benefits of hoopers?

  • dogs are working away from us so it helps create confidence and independence

  • it is good for dogs who tend to bulldoze around because although they are moving at speed, they have to be very conscious of what’s around them

  • it improves dogs' proprioception – it helps dogs to be aware of where they are putting their feet and bodies

  • dogs are focusing on targets so we can easily turn that focus back on us, giving us greater control from a distance

  • it is a lot of fun

  • it creates confidence so it is beneficial for nervous dogs

  • it is perfect for high-energy dogs too as it channels their focus – and of course it is a great energy burner too

  • older dogs can join the fun as it puts less strain on their joints than agility and for that same reason puppies can take part too. That is because unlike agility, hoopers has no jumps, instead, dogs navigate a ground-level course of hoops, barrels and tunnels.

  • the equipment ensures dogs of all ages, sizes and breeds can participate without having to take sharp turns or bend down for tunnels or hoops

  • it is  a great bonding activity between dog and carer






£20 UP TO 1.5HRS


Run by a Level 6 Qualified Canine Behaviourist and Trainer, Fun Dog Agility Coach and Canine Hoopers World Instructor (CHWI).

Fun filled session designed to introduce your dog to the basics of Hoopers by using positive, reward-based training techniques and methods.


The course consists of hoops, barrels and tunnels.

Hoopers can be suitable for most dogs regardless of their age, breed and physical ability (suitability to participate will be discussed prior to enrolment).

Kids are welcome to attend and train.

May be suitable for reactive dogs.


FISH4DOGS goody bags for all participants.




£10  UP TO 1.5HRS


Supervised by a qualified Fun Agility Coach and Canine Hoopers World Instructor (CHWI).


The hoopers practice sessions enable the participants to practice the obstacles at their own pace. A limited number of dogs take part at any one time so that the obstacles can be easily accessed and worked on without any time constrains or pressure.

The hooper course includes hoops, barrels and tunnels.

In order for the participants to be able to use the course in a safe and controlled manner and to avoid potential injuries all participants will be briefed prior to using the course.

The courses can be suitable for most dogs regardless of their age, breed and physical ability (suitability to participate will be discussed prior to enrolment).

Kids are welcome to attend and train.

May be suitable for reactive dogs.

Message to book.


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